Thought it would be a one year thing. After year five, it finally started to feel like a big deal. 2011 Is when I met people from all over the country that eventually became a pretty tight knit group over the years. It is definitely different without the live listening party in Portsmouth, but I am hoping it gets back to the roots in the next couple of years.
I was able to make the listening party the year it was at The Art Space. Fun to hear everyones work and meet folks as well. It was cool that some people had done their tracks on cassettes. Yeah, a local party would be cool. Though, i imagine it must be a load of work to pull together. :-}
I did RPM for several years starting in (I think) 2007. Three of those albums are here on Alonetone. Then I joined a band for a few years and lots of energy went into that.
I signed up in '18 but didn’t produce much, and this year I’m here making a go of it. RPM only, and wondering who is still around from a decade ago.
Two weeks in. I have resurrected my old MacBook, Garageband 08 and got things going. Changed strings and recorded some basic tracks 6 or so demo-y things one almost a finished song, one needing additional verses, and one needing more than a lyrical hook. I have ordered a new secondhand mandolin after listening to my old RPM albums and missing the one i had then. So guitar, ancient tenor banjo, and mandolin, some hand clapping and singing. Since I have spent time getting back into the recording process I feel I have a chance, but will have to be a bit inspired on the lyric front
Hey Gumbo, Glad to see you’re back at it. I’m using GarageBand as well. I have to admit though, that I fail miserably at getting my stuff to sound decent. The writing and coming up with ideas isn’t too awfully bad for me, just a decent sound quality and level. Can’t wait to give your work a listen. Looking forward to it. What’s your name on RPM so I can find it ?
I’m Gumbo there too. Or GumboStu, actually. Easier to find me on Alonetone i think , at least until the listening party.
Are you recording for this year? I am listening to your stuff atm, and enjoying the minimal approach. I get what you mean about levels. It’s like listening to CD made in the 80s and having to turn it up before everything was pushed to the max in the loudness wars of the late 90s
Is that something you want to chat about? I’m curious if my guesses about your setup are on point.
Wow, thanks for listening to my tunes :-}
Yup, at it again this year. Going through the usual ups and downs coming up with material. My problem (and I do think it’s me) is I really have a tough time with recording. I can record but that’s it. I’m futzing around and reading online but I get easily overwhelmed. After this RPM I’m going to see if one of the 20 year old RPM guys in my area can help me out. I think if I could actually see the process I could do okay.
Yeah everything makes much more sense when we can see it working. for me it was finding the balance between getting close to the mic for immediacy, but then not having the levels peaking. And then doing similar with a better mic.
Who are you at RPM?
I’m acoustic57. So far the only “album cover” I have is from my “Fixin’ Fence” album though, I have two or three albums on there. Course, true to me, I didn’t list them separately 'cause I lack tech skills. Still figuring that stuff out. I’m hoping to upload my latest RPM in a couple days even if I don’t have cover art.
Yeah cover art might happen. Might not